We need to work together to create a gender equal Queensland. People, businesses and groups in industry, government and the community all have a part to play.

What everyone can do

Act for gender equality

UN Women is the global champion for gender equality. Read their articles and learn how you can make a difference every day.

They also have free online courses to help you learn about gender equality issues and how you can act for women and girls.

Say no to violence and sexism

Learn how to say no to harmful actions and stand up for women and girls.

Be there for other women

If you know someone who is in a harmful relationship, try to be there for them. You can download the free Be There app to help you know what to say and do to empower them.

Celebrate women and share their stories

You can read, watch, listen and share women’s stories. Making women’s achievements visible can inspire others and help to bring about equality.

Become a board member

Joining a board can help you make a difference in your community. We need more women on boards to become a gender equal Queensland. Before joining, it’s a good idea to learn how a board works, what members do, and make sure you have the right knowledge, skills and experience.

To find out about board openings for Queensland women join the Women on Boards LinkedIn group.

Read more about joining a government board on the Queensland Government website.

Find a mentor

A mentor is someone with practical experience and wisdom you can learn from. They can help you develop your strengths, connect you with others and guide you to success.

These groups offer mentoring programs for women who want to become directors.

Connect with other women in your industry

The number of networks for women are growing, especially in typically male dominated industries. Networking is more than just connecting with other women. It’s also about building a community to share ideas, help solve problems and to create opportunities for each other.

Find a women’s network in your industry.

Join our mailing list

Stay up to date with the latest news, events and stories for Queensland women and girls.

Sign up

Get help and support

Women’s Infolink is a free service that can help women and girls connect with information, resources, services and support across Queensland.

Phone: 1800 177 577 – 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday Email: women@qld.gov.au

You can also find a list of women’s support services and support information for women on the Queensland Government website.

What leaders can do

We need leaders in all organisations and the community to act for women and girls. If you’re a leader, make sure you and those you lead:

  • value women and girls
  • treat them with respect
  • keep them safe.

Being an inclusive leader can improve your organisation's performance, employee satisfaction and public image.

Use gender analysis to make things fair and equal

Think about ways you can make things fair and equal when you make new policies, programs and services. Using a gender analysis process can help you make the changes Queensland needs to achieve gender equality.

Use our gender analysis toolkit to guide you through the process. We’re revising this toolkit and will share an updated version in coming months.

Help more women join your board

Equal numbers of men and women on boards is a key indicator of gender equality. Having a diverse group of board members can also give your organisation a competitive edge. Find out how you can engage and support women by using our Women on boards toolkit.

Lead change in the workplace

Ten things you can do as a leader to promote gender equality in your workplace.

1. Value diversity in the workplace

Understand the economic benefits that come from having a diverse workplace. Make it part of your bottom line strategy.

2. Recognise the gender pay gap

Make sure work roles, seniority and pay are equal and fair for women and men. Check your workplace often.

3. Make a plan

Set targets and timeframes to help you achieve diversity. Make a genuine effort to integrate this in your workplace.

4. Start at the top

Understand that change must come from the top. Make gender equality part of your core business.

5. Make things equal for women and men

Look for ways to train and promote women to counter society’s views that women should be in second place.

6. Support flexible work

Have flexible work policies like paid parental leave for everyone, including men. Help staff know their options and support those who choose flexible work.

7. Call out harmful behaviour

Call out and act against sex discrimination, sexist language, sexual harassment and sexist workplace norms. Be careful to do this in a way that doesn't cause further harm to women.

8. Help staff work with diverse groups of people

Make it a priority to train staff and help them work well with people from diverse backgrounds. Promote staff who support diversity and share their goals and ideals with others. Ask experts outside your workplace for advice.

9. Make change happen

Centre your business plans, key performance indicators and company strategies around being a diverse workplace.

10. Check your progress

Audit your workplace often to check your progress. Be open about your performance with the public.

What communities can do

Local communities and neighbourhoods play a big part in gender equality, and can help others understand:

  • how their view of women and the way they behave impacts gender equality
  • ways they can change to make things equal and better for women and girls.

Apply for a grant

Does your community group or organisation lead projects and events that create positive change for women and girls in Queensland? If so, you can apply for a grant through our Investing in Queensland Women grant program.

Attend an event

Holding and going to local events for women and girls can increase gender equality in your community. Find out what’s on near you.

Be a champion for gender equality

Help us raise awareness by supporting and sharing events and campaigns that promote gender equality and an end to violence against women.

There are campaigns in Australia and around the world you can support.

Tell us about a service for women

We’re here to help connect women across the state with services and support. To tell us about a service for women, send an email to women@qld.gov.au.