Women in Industry grants are one-off grants of up to $150,000 for projects that help women progress into leadership roles in male-dominated industries.

They also support ideas and projects that:

  • help workplaces and industry to recruit, retain and upskill women
  • increase diversity in industries where men usually work
  • help to challenge the attitudes people have about the jobs women and men do
  • clear the way for women to succeed.

Funding rounds and dates

The 2024 Round has now closed. Applicants will be notified, or outcomes will be announced by 30 September 2024.

Our 2024 grant round:

  • opened 12 July 2024
  • closed 9 August 2024

Funding guidelines

Read our funding guidelines to understand if your organisation is eligible and that your proposal meets the selection criteria.

1. Plan your project

Fill in a project plan template to submit with your application. Include information about your project, what it will achieve, and how you’ll manage it.

If you were successful for Category 1 grant funding 2024, you’ll need to submit a full project plan by December 2024.

2. Understand your commitment

If you do get grant funding, you’ll need to agree to our terms and conditions and enter into an agreement with the Queensland Government.

You’ll need to give us certain documents and an evaluation report when you finish your project.

Grant funding recipients

We’ll publish a list of successful applicants here after each round of funding.

Get in touch

If you’d like more information about the grant program or application process call 1800 177 577 or email women@qld.gov.au.

You can also download resources to help you promote the grant program.

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Last updated: August 2024